GetOpenFilename and GetSaveAsFilename are useful dialogs to use within Excel VBA procedures when your procedure needs to know the filename of a file to open or save. I have encapsulated each into functions that add to their functionality, and make then simpler to use in my procedures.
Note that both GetXxxxFilename functions return file names. They do not open or save any files, merely provide a mechanism to ask the user for the names of the files that the calling procedure will process later.
The GetOpenFilename and GetSaveAsFilename functions as I use them are given by the following syntax; these arguments are optional, and I’ve left out optional arguments that I don’t use. I define a variant named vTemp to accept the return value of the function.
vTemp = Application.GetOpenFilename( _
FileFilter:=sFilter, Title:=sTitle, MultiSelect:=bMulti)
vTemp = Application.GetSaveAsFilename( _
FileFilter:=sFilter, InitialFileName:=sName, Title:=sTitle)
FileFilter is one or more file type filters. Here are a few examples:
One type of file:
All Files (*.*),*.*
Two types of files:
Text Files (*.txt), *.txt, Add-In Files (*.xla), *.xla
One type of file with multiple allowed extensions:
Visual Basic Files (*.bas; *.txt),*.bas;*.txt
The default filter is All Files (*.*),*.*.
Title is the text that will appear in the title bar of the dialog. The default is “Open” or “Save As”.
MultiSelect allows the user to select multiple files to open in the dialog, if True.
InitialFileName is the suggested file name displayed in the Save As dialog. If you specify a file with an extension that is not included in the active filter, the name appears in double quotes, and I’ve never learned how to remove these quotes.
Function Returns
If the user cancels either dialog, the returned value is a Boolean, False. I test TypeName(vTemp) to make sure the user did not cancel, before I try to do anything with the returned file names.
If the user approves GetSaveAsFilename or GetOpenFilename with MultiSelect False, the returned value is a String, the file path and name of the single indicated file.
If the user approves GetOpenFilename with MultiSelect True, the returned value is Variant(), a Variant Array, with the file path and name of all selected files. This is a one-element array if a single file is selected.
The Enhanced Functions
The enhanced code is shown below. Both functions encapsulate the steps that keep track of the previous current directory, and restore it at the end of the function. The SaveAs function tests whether the filename specified by the user matches the name of an existing file, and if so, it asks whether the existing file should be overwritten.
A few file name functions from File Name Functions are used in these GetXxxFilename functions.
' example usage
Sub TestGetOpenFileName()
Dim vFile As Variant
vFile = GOFN("C:\Temp", "Select a file to process", _
"Data Files (*.csv;*.txt),*.csv;*.txt", False)
If TypeName(vFile) = "Boolean" Then
MsgBox "User selected no file to process."
MsgBox "User wants to process '" & vFile & "'"
End If
End Sub
' example usage
Sub TestGetSaveAsFileName()
Dim vFile As Variant
vFile = GSAFN("C:\Temp", "Save Workbook As", _
"MyWorkbook.xls", "Excel Workbooks (*.xls), *.xls")
If TypeName(vFile) = "Boolean" Then
MsgBox "User declined to save the file."
MsgBox "User wants to save the file as '" & vFile & "'"
End If
End Sub
'' GetOpenFileName Replacement Function
'' Jon Peltier
Function GOFN(Optional sPath As String, Optional sTitle As String, _
Optional sFilter As String, Optional bMulti As Boolean) As Variant
Dim vTemp As Variant
Dim sHomeDir As String
' save current directory
sHomeDir = CurDir
If Len(sPath) > 1 Then
' change to new directory if it is specified
ChDrive sPath
ChDir sPath
End If
vTemp = Application.GetOpenFilename( _
FileFilter:=sFilter, Title:=sTitle, MultiSelect:=bMulti)
If TypeName(vTemp) = "Boolean" Then
' canceled by user
' check for Boolean in calling procedure
End If
GOFN = vTemp
' restore current directory
ChDrive sHomeDir
ChDir sHomeDir
End Function
'' GetSaveAsFileName Replacement Function
'' Jon Peltier
Function GSAFN(Optional sPath As String, Optional sTitle As String, _
Optional sName As String, Optional sFilter As String) As Variant
Dim vTemp As Variant
Dim sHomeDir As String
Dim lYNC As Long
Dim sMessage As String
' save current directory
sHomeDir = CurDir
If Len(sPath) > 1 Then
' change to new directory if it is specified
ChDrive sPath
ChDir sPath
End If
' loop to check for duplicate file name
vTemp = Application.GetSaveAsFilename( _
FileFilter:=sFilter, InitialFileName:=sName, Title:=sTitle)
If TypeName(vTemp) = "Boolean" Then
' canceled by user
' check for Boolean in calling procedure
Exit Do
End If
If Not FileExists(vTemp) Then Exit Do
sMessage = "A file named '" & FullNameToFileName(CStr(vTemp))
sMessage = sMessage & "' exists in the directory" & vbNewLine
sMessage = sMessage & "'" & FullNameToPath(CStr(vTemp)) & "'. "
sMessage = sMessage & vbNewLine & vbNewLine
sMessage = sMessage & "Do you want to OVERWRITE the existing file? "
lYNC = MsgBox(sMessage, vbExclamation + vbYesNoCancel, "Duplicate File Name")
Select Case lYNC
Case vbYes
' overwrite existing file with desired name
Exit Do
Case vbNo
' user does not want to overwrite
' repeat loop, check again for duplicate
Case vbCancel
' canceled by user
' check for Boolean in calling procedure
vTemp = False
Exit Do
End Select
GSAFN = vTemp
' restore current directory
ChDrive sHomeDir
ChDir sHomeDir
End Function
Lewi Bara says
ttanhk you
Bryan says
I am using your code to open a file name, but the value of vFile is Error 2015. Any ideas to rectify this?
Thank you,
Jon Peltier says
Bryan –
A new revision of WordPress has messed up some of the line feeds in the original code. I’ve tried to correct them.
Try to step through the code to determine where the variable takes on the error value. It may help to comment out the On Error statements.