Chandoo saw a post at Smashing Magazine showing Top 10 creative ways to display time, and he took a crack at duplicating a polar clock using an Excel donut chart. Chandoo did a fine job with his copy of Pixel Breaker’s Polar Clock, though the style itself is tricky to interpret.
OT Friday: GraphJam
My friend Debra (of Contextures and Contextures Blog fame) sent me a link to GraphJam. She said “Some not so good, other are quite funny. . . . now I’m getting out of there, before I waste any more time.” Like I need any help wasting time.
I’ve seen the GraphJam site before, of course, but I saw a chart I’d never seen before.
more graph humor and song chart memes
The chart is fairly accurate, but it omits the time dimension. In my experience, the “Juuust Right” position is only good for a few moments, then the curve shifts horizontally, and the knob position corresponds to a new temperature outside of the comfort zone. It’s a delicately balanced system, a dynamic equilibrium, with an overly sensitive control circuit.
Anyway, it you have a few minutes to spare, check out GraphJam for a little amusement. Their motto says it all: Pop Culture for People in Cubicles.
OT: Alternative Graph Interpretation in the Real World
My two high school daughters had a music recital today, which was very nice. As an encouragement beforehand, the director of the music school said it’s great that all the students had worked hard all year, and prepared nicely for the recital. She said it’s not always easy to practice your instrument, when there are so many activities to choose from. She said that she took a poll of the thirteen music teachers at the school, asking “Have you ever wanted to skip practicing?” She showed a plot much like this one, though it was done on a flip charts with colored construction paper bars:
The director asked what this chart showed. I raised my hand and asked, “Someone’s lying?”
The official interpretation of the chart is simply that almost everyone, even dedicated music instructors, don’t always like to practice. My interpretation is that everyone hates to practice, but some lie about it.
My daughters performed a nice duet of the song ‘Vincent’: the 9th-grader sang while accompanied by the 11th-grader on viola in an arrangement written by the 11th-grader.
OT: Charting to Achieve Fitness Goals
From, “A webcomic of romance, sarcasm, math, and language.”
I feel a Homer moment coming on… Mmmmm, bacon.